Bio NutriProtection System
Green biotechnology to promote sustainable agriculture
We currently have BIO NUTRIPROTECTION® SYSTEMS for more than 120 crops:
We provide you with green biotechnology to promote a sustainable and successful agriculture, discover the complete system.
Soil bioremediation is attacking the cause, not the symptom.
Soil contains up to three times more carbon than the atmosphere.

Functions of soil improvers:
- Increase percentage of organic matter.
- Increase CEC.
- Decrease EC.
- Improve soil pH.
- Increase soil porosity.
- Increase soil microbiota.
- Reduce PSI.
- Increase nutrient absorption.
- Improve soil texture and structure.
- Help against adverse changes in the plant.
- Help against stress in crops.

VitaSoil is a product based on amino acids of botanical origin that helps in the different stress situations that crops go through so that they recover and minimize losses.

FulviBest Energy
FulviBest Energy is a product based on fulvic acids derived from leonardite, which favors the transport of ions and has the ability to make nutritional minerals available to the plant, by forming complexes that are more easily transported by the stomata of the leaves. and of the cells of the roots, resulting in a greater production in its harvest, a better flavor and texture in its fruits.

HumiBest Energy
HumiBest Energy is a product based on humic acids derived from leonardite which, when applied to the soil, increases the quantity and bacterial activity of the soil, as well as providing humus.

AlgaBest is a bio-organic soil improver designed with an excellent balance of beneficial carbonated, nitrogenous and microbiological organic components. AlgaBest provides a good level of active and rapidly available organic matter in the rhizoplane of the soil, favoring porosity, nutrient availability and cation exchange capacity.
The plant learns by itself to defend itself from the environment.
Biostimulants help to enhance the genotypic and phenotypic expression of crops.

Functions of biostimulants:
- Stimulate the plant to develop and reproduce.
- Fix atmospheric nitrogen.
- Solubilize phosphorus, potassium and other trace elements.
- Produce mucilage.
- They produce siderophores.
- They produce substances that regulate the osmotic process.
- They help against hydric stress.
- Prolong root extension and volume.
- Produce antimicrobials for soil pest control.
- Make soils sustainable and sustainable.

NitroBacPlus is a biofertilizer designed for inoculation containing free-living, root-associated nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

BioKomplet SH
Biokomplet SH is a biofertilizer and bioprotection complex. When inoculated to the seeds, it stimulates germination, emergence and protects the plant from pests and diseases.

PowerRoot is a complex of biostimulants and regulators designed to induce differentiation, formation and development of roots.

PromoBest It is a growth regulator product, it is specially designed to assist in floral induction and strengthen the vigor and variability of reproductive structures, as well as fruit set in vegetables and fruit trees.

CitocinBest is a growth regulator with a high content of cytokinins, enriched with nitrogen and calcium, recommended to induce the formation and differentiation of new tissues, inhibit apical dominance and stimulate lateral sprouting in fruit trees and other crops.
Essential elements are classified into:
Macroelements, secondary elements, microelements. There are 17 essential elements required by crops to develop and reproduce.

Functions of fertilizers:
- To nourish the plant. Because they provide essential and secondary macro and microelements to crops.
- Promote proper root development.
- Strengthen the cell wall.
- They give quality to the fruit such as consistency, firmness, flavor, color.
- They act as soil improvers.
- They help cation exchange capacity.
- Increase resistance to pest and disease attack.
- Prepare the reproductive machinery of the plant.
- Extend shelf life.
- Help in flowering, pollination and fruit set.

FortiCrop contains a complex of nutrients for the physical strengthening of the plant and its aerial organs, which translates into better consistency, color, flavor, firmness, size, hardness, etc.

MikroTurbo contains micronutrients, growth regulators, amino acids, carbohydrates, fulvic acids and chelating agents, as a result the plant has a harmonious and reproductive growth.

VitaFullBest contains a high concentration of amino acids that recover the plant from adverse conditions, it also works in both reproductive and vegetative stages, providing essential nutrients to harvest quality fruits.

VigorBest is a foliar fertilizer rich in potassium, zinc, boron and amino acids, designed to improve the growth, development and ripening of fruits. It also contains essential nutrients for plant development. VigorBest is a nutritional supplement that allows obtaining larger fruits and uniform coloration, improves sugar content, gives plants greater tolerance to climatic stress and pests or diseases, in addition, confers greater resistance to post-harvest fruits. .

MaízTop H6
MaízTop H6 is a growth biostimulant designed to promote plant development, formation and growth of ears in corn crops.

AminoTurbo has amino acids, potassium, calcium, zinc and boron, promotes flower set, favors the growth, development and firmness of the fruits, encourages rapid recovery of plants in adverse conditions and due to damage from pests and diseases.

BiorganikBomb biofertilizer with microorganisms that promote the release of phosphorus found in the soil and make it assimilable for the plant.

ADMaximus is an agricultural soap based on potassium salts that helps break the surface tension of water, increases the penetration of active ingredients, prevents run-off losses and increases dispersion and adherence of protection products.
More than 40% of agricultural production is lost due to pests.

Functions of biopesticides:
- Prevent the appearance of pests and diseases.
- Induce resistance or tolerance to some pests and diseases.
- Control or mitigate pests that are being a phytosanitary problem in a given crop.
- Do not generate resistance on the part of the pest.
- Respect the environment.
- Respect the health of individuals who come into contact with them.
- To bio-remediate soils.
- Improve nutrient absorption.
- Balance the agro system by rational use of pesticides.

BioPestMax is a biological-botanical insecticide complex, unique in its kind, made from strains of entomopathogenic fungi, which offers a broad spectrum of action against the main pest insects.

BioHammer M
BioHammer M is an insecticide of biological-organic origin recommended for the control of a wide range of lepidopteran and coleopteran larvae.

Micro SoilControl
Micro SoilControl contains strains of Bacillus spp., Trichoderma and organic compounds, highly effective against the main root diseases.

BacterBest is formulated with plant extracts with a wide range of action on the control of phytopathogenic bacteria, including Clavibacter michiganensis.

FungiBest Control
FungiBestControl is a resistance inducer with broad-spectrum organic fungicidal and protective action for the control of fungal diseases that attack the aerial organs of plants.

BioXtermyn is a soil biofumigant of natural origin. BioXtermyn applied in preplanting and preplanting prevents and controls established populations of nematodes in the soil, as well as phytopathogenic fungi at risk levels, among others of commercial importance; as well as pests.


Induces the formation and development of absorbing and secondary roots, improving the absorption of water and nutrients; favoring a better vegetative development.

It favors cellular respiration and consequently activates the aerial and root organs of the plants, in addition to improving vegetative development, obtaining greener and more vigorous leaves and improving crop nutrition.

It improves root formation and promotes stem thickening, in addition to improving crop health, reducing stress and increasing energy supply in stages of higher crop demand.

Promotes and regulates plant growth by improving nutrient absorption via foliar, regulating the opening and closing of stomata, increasing the photosynthetic capacity of the crop, improving development, even under stress conditions due to biotic and abiotic factors.

Improves photosynthesis and grain formation, as well as improving protein content.

Improves grain appearance and size, increasing quality and yield per hectare.

It improves pollen quality, favors flowering and allows obtaining larger grains and better physical appearance, obtaining a higher hectoliter weight.

Promotes and regulates plant growth by improving nutrient absorption via foliar, regulating the opening and closing of stomata, increasing the photosynthetic capacity of the crop, improving development, even under stress conditions due to biotic and abiotic factors.
Campo experimental San Juan
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
pH bajó de 8.18 a 7.47
CE bajó de 0.23 a 0.12 dS/m
MO Aumentó de 0.5 a 1.6%
CIC subió de 18 a 30 cmol(+)/kg
Villa flores, Chiapas
San Luis Huexotla, Texcoco
Comalcalco, Tabasco
El Grullo, Jalisco
Venustiano Carranza, Chiapas
Salamanca, Guanajuato
Tlaltempan, Aquixtla, Puebla
San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Universidad Michoacana
Abasolo, Guanajuato
Estado de Mexico
Zona Valles, Jalisco
Following the recommendations of the commercial data sheet, the following was obtained:
Economic benefits from using AgriBest:

We currently have BIO NUTRIPROTECTION® SYSTEMS for more than 120 crops:
We provide you with green biotechnology to promote a sustainable and successful agriculture, discover the complete system.

+52 55 4833 2159
Montecito 38, Piso 37, Oficina 30, World Trade Center, Col. Nápoles Del. Benito Juárez, CDMX, C.P. 03810